So it's no secret that I'll be flying to Japan in May and one of the things that I have to think about is what to pack. When I originally decided to go on the trip, my first thought was: camera...check, lenses...check, iPad...check. But wait a minute, I had a nagging problem on my trip to San Diego when editing images. I had no way to add my logo as a watermark through the iPad alone. After several months of trying to figure out how to do this, I threw my hands in the air with frustration and after many conversations with the boss, decided to sell the iPad and take the laptop to Japan instead. Not a big deal unless you figure how much the backpack is going to weigh with professional camera gear and a full sized laptop.
I'm not sure how the idea came to me but earlier this week it dawned on me that Smugmug, my photo-sharing site will automatically add a custom watermark to an image uploaded to certain galleries. After some watermark tweaking and a lot of thought, I came up with a system to upload an image to Smugmug, download the properly sized watermarked image ready to post on either Facebook or the blog. Long story short, I'm posting this from my brand new iPad 2!
Take THAT App Store without a properly functioning watermarking app that doesn't do exactly what I need it to do! :)