Thursday, October 29, 2009
Published Photographer
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Signed and framed print
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Me on TV
Pocketwizard Plus II's are the way to go!

I purchased a Pocketwizard tt1 and tt5 despite reading terrible reviews and I was severely disappointed. They failed on me during one of my photo sessions leaving me quite embarassed. I was using them with a 430EX attached which apparently has the greatest RF interference so I shouldn't have been surprised but I felt that something that costs $430 should perform on command. The flash wouldn't even fire from 10 feet away!
Luckily, Amazon has a great refund policy so I sent them back and ordered the older, but tried and true, Plus II's and I am quite pleased. I know there are less expensive ways to do remote flash but I wanted a system that was proven and reliable since I like to buy things right the first time.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Panning at the Fly-In
Originally uploaded by dostech
I have only one piece of advice to anyone brave enough to try panning shots... take LOTS of them. I was shooting with my 70-200 at planes flying well over 100mph and it is a lot tougher than it looks. I probably got one keeper for every 10 that I shot. My settings were Tv with the shutter at about 1/30th of a second and ISO100.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Portland Head Lighthouse - Cape Elizabeth
Originally uploaded by dostech
To black and white or not to black and white? Well I'm not a huge fan of black and white images because I feel that it's overused and done poorly most of the time. In this case, I made an exception.The light just happened to be right, about an hour before sunset to give the cliff rocks some character.
Another photographer near me suggested I use bracketing but I chose to go with my gut for exposure and you can see the results here. Was I wrong? Tell me what you think?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Professional Lighting Setup
Originally uploaded by dostech
I finally got all of the lighting gear that I need to get started doing my strobist style shooting. I picked up a Canon 580 EXII along with a pocketwizard minitt1 and a flextt5. I took a few shots with them this afternoon and they worked really well. I was about 25 feet away and didn't have misfires. I might have to try it from farther next time.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Funny Photoshop error
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mini Softbox
Originally uploaded by dostech
I was just gifted a light stand and softbox diffuser for my flash and boy am I excited. I can't wait to experiment with my new toy! Thanks Rideout Family!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Backyard before
Originally uploaded by dostech
Here's a picture of the backyard before the landscaping was done for comparison.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Backyard
Originally uploaded by dostech
We had a nice rain storm last night and there are a few puddles but overall I think it drained fairly well given that we've had more rain over the past few months than I've seen in my entire life. And I lived in Florida for my first 25 years too! Anyhow, I think once there's grass to soak up some of the water it's going to be great.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Backyard in progress
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, July 20, 2009
Tanks on the Highway!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Rainbows and Roses and Whiskers on Kittens
-- Post From My iPhone
Erin and Dan's Wedding
Originally uploaded by dostech
I had the pleasure and fortune of taking pictures at Erin's wedding who is a co-worker of mine. The setting, atop of Mount Battie in Campden State Park, was absolutely gorgeous. It was really easy to get some nice shots, all I had to do was expose properly and let Dan, Erin and the view do the rest! : )